Value which one attaches to a thing or person translates into how less or more important a person or thing is. Importance is a craving for every person specially in or amongst a large group or even in a mutual relationship. The craving results in expectations which almost often remains unfulfilled. The result is a painful reconciliation to the newer level of importance and revised lesser expectations. An out of the box parallel could be drawn with the stock market as well. Investors invest in a stock assuming an expected return and hence the price of the stock increases due to the demand! The stock's price being unjustified or expectations being higher than what the worth is corrects itself when the investors realized the expectations which leads to lesser importance to the stock and lesser expectations!
Why, Expectation is an important metric in the statistics by which we anticipate the future expected values of an event!
Coming back to a much more complex arena of humanity, what happens when the importance you felt you had isnt what it actually is. Or more ironically it has changed or changes periodically as per the wants of the second person involved. Personal experience tells me, most likely either you have misread the situation and thought you were important but you actually are not! This atleast one can blame oneself! But what about the periodically or situationally changing ones? Objectively importance cannot be constant and has to change periodically for any person! However there has to be a basic level attached to everyone and this basic level shoud ideally be constant. However, personal experience also shows that most often even this does not happen.
Most often you would see people turning up to you in times of pressure and need and then and then an abject disregard after the wind has blown away. This also takes me to the subject of being taken for granted but let's that keep for the next post!
Conclusion is importance is good and creates a feel-good warmth. It also comes with it the risks of being rejected and disregarded later. Maybe even in this its give and take - initially you give the importance to a person and later take the disregard with pain! Game of Quid Pro Quo as always it is!