Sunday, June 08, 2008

Entry & Exit!

Entry and exit - antonyms in english, antipolar in direction but equal in importance at every phase in life! A grand entry into a phase of life and equally respectable exit is desired..
Whether the entry is grand - depends a lot on the people surrounding you. But the exit is almost always depends on how one has conducted oneself in that period of time...One of my teachers used to say, one should always exit before people want you to...rather you should exit when people want you to stay...this can be at a party, or for an artist on the stage floor, or a cricketer or even a politician...Humans however have a tendency to cling on to their existing states till of course the system pushes them away. The system when pushing you will not even for a moment reflect your stature and your contribution, status etc etc.
Even the great Kapil Dev was forced to exit despite the fact he was gunning for a world record. The entire media was abuzz that he was in the team only because of the record. Even if that might be the truth cant the system provide that concession to a sportsman who has given volumes to his country to be proud of!
Where this blog comes into the picture is in between the entry & exit, ones activities & actions almost always determine the propensity of the system to push you out! Most often the exit then becomes a quiet and nondescript one! When we came to NITIE there were a bunch of seniors, professors and everyone welcoming us, trying to make things & life in general easier and comfortable...The exit for almost all of us has been a quiet one with a few handshakes and lo! your 2 years come to an end! Everyone is left with a job and suddenly realizes he is on his own entirely! The very objective of most of us to come for an MBA was this job but now this doesnt seem as bluechip as it seemed to be 2 years back! Suddenly the desire of clinging to the same environment & cushion emanates but the system does not allow you to!
However, life as always has a way of evening things out! When you exit one you enter another system! And most often it is a little difficult to cope with it but even you have grown up! It is only then that you realize the ultimate truth! The objective of each entry & exit is to contribute a little bit so that you are not absolutely unprepared for the next entry!
That breaking off or coming out of a long relationship is painful is known universally! But not many realize that it actually makes you that much wiser when you enter the next one! Entering a new relationship is ofcourse difficult not because of the vestiges of the previous but more because you are more informed about your own self and your expectations! In Google-speak, the quality of your keywords and search strings become more refined hence search throws up fewer but definitely much better results!
It is therefore upto us to make our exit as less painful and more graceful! More importantly, realize the takeaways from it as each system is like an inn for the weary traveller which provides shelter for the life! You give the comfort of an existing system to enter a new one but the system returns you with the experience and wiseness to enter the next! You give some- you take some! Quid Pro quo!