Sunday, May 16, 2010

My world and your world

From childhood we have always been taught and advised to adjust, compromise or atleast listen patiently to someone else's point of view. A society gets built with a unique culture based on such multiple views and ideas and practices. Why does this happen? What makes the Indian societies and culture so unique and so different even from each other? Though corporate and businesses demand standard processes, governments demand adherence to standard laws and practicies, we all know inherently that we as Indians are the best in the world to "set" things and do "jugaad" to get around a matter in a way we want. Any amount of standardization does not affect us.
It is all because each of us are in state of subjective truth wherein though the truth is fundamentally the same but has various versions!!! So version 1.0 and version 1.1.0 has different practices based on the truths that they believe in and each of them say theirs is the best version (or latest updated version as we would typically say in our offices!!!). Indians therefore to a large degree have come to agree that things are not always standard and binary but are fuzzy and flexible!!! Now this flexibility gives both bouquets and brickbats. Bouquets because we are always ready to assimilate new ideas and practices and adapt to them and brickbats because we are forever trying find that little flexibility which can let us off the hook.
In a popular TV serial, it was being shown that a builder after greasing all hands has a proper legal document to take possession of a chawl / settlement! He feels that he has done his homework and it is in absolute black and white that the land is his and current occupants should leave the place! Suddenly comes a hero and shows that within the settlement, there is a shiva-linga which has emerged and which deserves a temple to be built around! Now if builder destroys the settlement he has to destroy the temple which he obviously cannot! So there goes the white and black and a grey area enters which puts everyone in a dilemma!
Fundamentally therefore it is always advised that all of us should try and see others' view and perspective as well! For each human, lives in his own version of truth and no one can see the big picture of the complete truth! For Varuna the sea-god has 1000 eyes, Indra the god of gods has 4 and we have only 2!
So lets not try and always say that my world is the world as it is! Because the world is a different world for all of us!

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